We offer microbial identification services for bacterial, yeast and fungal isolates. For identification of bacteria, we use the Biolog MicroStation™ Identification System. This 96-well microplate system can identify close to 3000 species of bacteria and yeast. We use the RapID YEAST PLUS System by ThermoFisher Scientific. Fungal identification is based on morphology. Fungal isolates are stained with Phenol Cotton Blue and identified based on distinctive fungal structures.
Turnaround time: 2-10 days
Accepted samples: liquid, solid or agar plates with bacterial, yeast or fungal growth.
We accept Environmental plates (settling or Rodac plates)
Cost per sample:
Bacterial, yeast or fungal identification: $175 for one isolate identification, each additional isolate in the same sample is additional $40.
Bacterial identification with quantification: $250 per sample. One isolate identification is included. Each additional isolate in the same sample is $40 extra.
Test Codes:
MC101 – Routine Culture and Identification
MC102 – Routine Culture and Identification with quantification